A Mindset for Success

A lot of success comes from good old-fashioned hard work. Gaining the skills, putting in the hours, fixing problems, following up on details, getting the job done.

But more and more research shows that success isn’t just about what we do, it’s about the underlying beliefs we hold—which in turn influence how we interpret the events around us and how we then behave in response. Shifting our underlying beliefs and assumptions can free us from unproductive habits—like holding grudges, resisting change, and blaming others.

And adopting better ways of thinking—like embracing change, learning new things, and owning our failures—opens us to greater productivity and success. Partly by making us more pleasant people to be around! Here are some helpful infographics describing the thought patterns of successful people.

How can you adjust your thinking and adopt ways of seeing the world that will open you to greater success?

SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE want others to succeed.

SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE take responsibility for their failures.

SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE give compliments.

SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE talk about ideas.

SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE learn new things.


SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE embrace change.

You know what else successful people do? They stay resume-ready. Having a strong resume ready to go gives you a sense of confidence, optimism, and energy that drives career success.

Credit: wittfeed.com